In Mille Miglia...

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Mille Miglia

There is no TIME without sound

The sound is strong and different

The sound is RED & shiny

TIME is slow & clear

Time is velvet

There is always a youth reminder

There is always a yellow happiness

LIFE is blue as our  childhood memories

Life passes through sunny green valleys

Escape through the routes of TIME...

"Mille Miglia stories"...

VART contemporary...

We feel differently...

We see differently...

Enzo Ferrari called Mille Miglia the most beautiful race in the world. 

Today, the reenactment of the Mille Miglia is an event in a class of its own. Mille Miglia has combined tradition with innovation, and vividly coloured that combination with creativity, elegance, beautiful scenery and the Italian way of living. This plethora of rich elements has made the Mille Miglia a symbol of Italian excellence all over the world.

Via Mille Miglia...


                                                                                           "Mille Miglia" the most beautiful race in the world...

1000 Miglia...

Mille Miglia stories...

Touching Mille Miglia...

Mille Miglia


  Mille Miglia stories...

Mille Miglia...

More inspiration...

We see differently...

VART contemporary also runs the international fb page "Classic cars stories"  

Mille Miglia...



                                               1000 Miglia...

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